I really love wallpaper. I love how it's a material that has to find a right balance between being aesthetically pleasing but ultimately ignored, like smooth jazz or elevator music. I also don't think that concrete is as solid and simple as we often believe it to be. I live in a city full of cracked sidewalks, crumbling bricks, and potholes. These decaying urban materials gradually take on an increasingly organic quality, as nature and the elements gradually reclaim the landscape.
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My contribution to the beautiful, haunting duo by howthenightcame and ikjoyce. I recently gathered up some old tape machines that have been (literally) gathering dust in my attic and brought them to the studio to clean up and use for creative projects. My Portastudio MF-P01 creates this beautiful, shimmery warble to the high end, even after cleaning the heads. I recorded several different improvisations over the duo directly into the Portastudio with my 69 Telecaster Thinline and recorded the tape into Pro Tools via a True P-Solo preamp. I added some Valhalla Vintage Verb after aligning and comping in PT.
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Sharing my design for rigid fiberglass sound absorber panels that I developed for Chair Company, along with step-by-step building instructions. These panels use steel framing, which makes them incredibly rigid and lightweight.
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My first attempt at a Disquiet Junto, building upon burn's wonky tritone-based guitar piece. I used Dave Pendle's Ghost Dulcitone instrument to create an undulating counterpoint to the unpredictable guitar part. Half the fun (and challenge) was trying to follow burn's harmonies. The percussive, overblown flute part adds momentum. Both parts were dirtied up and delayed a bit to fit in behind the guitar. Click “read more” to listen.
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Going deeper with Lissajous curves to build these cyanotype-like images. I coded some functions to generate different waveforms (square wave, saw wave, triangle wave) by stacking harmonics of the fundamental sine waves. Coded in Processing.
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Mapping sine waves in two dimensions to create Lissajous figures. Coded with Processing.
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