This week I've been revisiting the work of Danish composer Per Nørgård as part of a broader exploration into different approaches to algorithmic composition. Specifically, I’m looking at his infinity series (a technique for generating a constantly-evolving self-similar set of numbers that bears resemblance to fractal geometry) and digging into its potential for generative music and art.
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In honor of 808 day, here are eight algorithmically-generated beats created using Lindenmeyer Systems. The L-System code was written in Supercollider, and it uses a set of rules to generate rhythmic patterns. Each pattern uses a different set of rules. The generated patterns are self-similar, so unique rhythmic motives recur in each of beats, but the rules are complex enough that the patterns never sound repetitive.
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Going deeper with Lissajous curves to build these cyanotype-like images. I coded some functions to generate different waveforms (square wave, saw wave, triangle wave) by stacking harmonics of the fundamental sine waves. Coded in Processing.
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Mapping sine waves in two dimensions to create Lissajous figures. Coded with Processing.
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Just discovered Nodal and wondering where it has been my whole life. Here's a super rudimentary experiment. Can't wait to dig in more.
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