This week I've been revisiting the work of Danish composer Per Nørgård as part of a broader exploration into different approaches to algorithmic composition. Specifically, I’m looking at his infinity series (a technique for generating a constantly-evolving self-similar set of numbers that bears resemblance to fractal geometry) and digging into its potential for generative music and art.
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In honor of 808 day, here are eight algorithmically-generated beats created using Lindenmeyer Systems. The L-System code was written in Supercollider, and it uses a set of rules to generate rhythmic patterns. Each pattern uses a different set of rules. The generated patterns are self-similar, so unique rhythmic motives recur in each of beats, but the rules are complex enough that the patterns never sound repetitive.
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Collaborative extra-terrestrial transmissions recorded with percussionist Mitch Shiner (mitchshinermusic). SuperCollider synths played with a MalletKat MIDI controller. Any transmission to outer space is bound to be sent using technology that will be obsolete here on Earth by the time it reaches beings elsewhere in the universe, so this piece was recorded directly to cassette tape before being transmitted to you fellow humans via SoundCloud.
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I really love wallpaper. I love how it's a material that has to find a right balance between being aesthetically pleasing but ultimately ignored, like smooth jazz or elevator music. I also don't think that concrete is as solid and simple as we often believe it to be. I live in a city full of cracked sidewalks, crumbling bricks, and potholes. These decaying urban materials gradually take on an increasingly organic quality, as nature and the elements gradually reclaim the landscape.
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